Above Us

Above us

The stork village Wahrenberg / Elbe in the Altmark.

Protected nature, rich history and relaxing peace.
A unique bird life in the sky above us.

The Altmark

The area west of the Elbe, first called "Antiqua Marchia" at the beginning of the 14th century, is considered the starting point of the Mark Brandenburg and thus of the later Prussian state. Many towns in the Altmark belonged to the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. Witnesses from this period are still visible in Seehausen, Stendal, Tangermünde and other old Hanseatic cities.

The village

Wahrenberg upon Elbe is one of the oldest settlements in the Altmark. It is believed that an Old Slavic settlement already existed in the 9th / 10th century. The church dates from the 13th century.
The village has no through road and therefore there is hardly any traffic.

The storks

Adebar, the white stork, moves into his summer quarters in the village. Between March / April and August the rattling of the storks dominates the soundscape in the village. There is a clatter to get cop off with a female, also as a warning to competitors and each time to greet the partner during landing in the nest.

Bike tours

There are numerous ways to explore the area by bike. Either along the Elbe-bike-hiking-trail or along small roads and country lanes to the neighboring villages.

Recommendation:Cycling down along the Elbe river to Schnackenburg (Lower Saxony), cross the river by ferry, up the Elbe river along the river banks in Brandenburg to Wittenberge and cross over the railway bridge, on the banks of the Elbe back to Wahrenberg (approx. 44 km).

Eating out

Anne ~ Elbe, the café on the Elbe dyke, is open from January to November (every weekend, in the season from May to October also during the week).
It offers delicious home-made cakes, salads and hearty vegetarian or vegan dishes, often with fresh, home-grown vegetables or fruit from the neighbors.

Recommendation:the filled egg pancakes are the best!

Village life

Different village clubs and groups organize festivals and events every year.
In addition to a farmers' market, there is also a children's festival on the Elbe dyke in summer. The "Open Farm Day" is now known across the village borders.

Recommendation:on Pentecost Sunday and Thanksgiving Sunday, many Wahrenbergers open their farms. In addition to rummage, there is homemade products, coffee & cake as well as exhibitions and theater performances.


~ 300

stork nests



18 km²




“When you are all alone in the forest, it is very difficult to understand what you are going to do in offices and cinemas. And suddenly you don't want all that anymore. "
Erich Kaestner
"We live in a hurry, hasty time
with the clock in hand, with the clock in hand,
the one who today pushes the other aside
with the clock in hand, with the clock in hand.
We're all pushing forward, whether Hinz or Kunz,
are always outside of us and we never come to ourselves
because we only get to know ourselves briefly
with the clock in hand, with the clock in hand. "
Otto Reutter
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